Nice Van Man – Allan’s in more than two places at once
Published on: 21/02/2025If you are a frequent visitor to any of our ten charity shops you have got every chance of seeing Allan Jones, our big retail van driver. The van’s big and so is Allan; about 6 feet tall! HaHa!
On a given day he might be co-piloting with colleagues, Theo or Jordan, and be picking up, and dropping off, the larger items of furniture that have been donated or bought by people from all around our Wirral community.
Sometimes furniture may have been displayed in one of the shops for a couple of weeks and needs to be moved to another site to give it another chance to sell and a number of these will go on the daily van load for distribution to their next destination.
It’s a busy job, requiring endurance and strength, and after 27 years of moving heavy goods on and off the hospice vans, Allan is well equipped for the challenge.
In fact, just a couple of years back he completed a unique challenge for the hospice for his 59th birthday. Allan completed 59 reps in under a minute consisting of wide grip and close grip pull ups, parallel bar dips and push ups. It was awesome and raised a tidy sum for his beloved hospice. Cheers Allan.
We asked Allan a little bit about himself and how he came to the hospice retail team…
Born and bred in Wallasey he lived with mum and dad, William and Joan, and older siblings, Graham and Susan.
They had a happy childhood on the banks of the Mersey, playing in the local parks, the old fairground and, of course, the famous outdoor swimming pool at New Brighton Baths. Happy days, indeed!
After Oldershaw high school, Allan took up an apprenticeship as a sheet metal worker but the 1980’s were tough for anyone starting out in manufacturing and Allan instead went to work for B&Q where he had five years working across all the departments of the DIY giants.
But, his real passion was for music and he started filling his weekends up as a mobile DJ for the Cheshire disco franchise Barry Mac Discos. Party on, Allan!
At all kinds of family events, birthdays, weddings, christenings, engagements, or works nights and the likes, Allan had them up dancing. “People all over the world, join hands, start a Love Train, Love Train!”
In his ‘real life’ Allan’s mum, Joan, was a district nurse and had, by the late seventies and early eighties, alongside her colleagues, started joining in the Wirral-wide fundraising efforts for a new hospice.
Allan had seen his mum nurse his Dad, William, through his own journey with lung cancer from 1994 for some three years, and this informed Allan’s awareness of palliative care.
In 1997, Allan’s sister-in-law, Wendy, worked at the hospice in fundraising and was working with the first hospice lottery manager, Alan Stewart, to set up the now firmly established weekly draw.
Starting on a voluntary basis, Allan became aware of the effort to distribute people’s pre-loved furniture, clothing and other items around what was then four shops in Wallasey and Birkenhead.
Soon he was offered a full-time job and never looked back. He’s now the hospice team’s longest serving retail employee.
Wowser! That’s brilliant Allan.
He’s seen the number of hospice charity shops grow to ten all around Wirral, which is why he is integral to making sure people’s quality, pre-loved goods, can be moved to where they have the best opportunity to sell.
Allan’s also a big supporter of all the hospice does. He mentions Light up a Life as a special time of the year at the hospice and where he has been able to volunteer at the lights switch-on evening, to lend a hand for many years.
“It’s that time when you remember why we do what we do. It’s an emotional evening to see what the hospice means to people it makes it a real honour to feel you’re playing a part in something so special.”
His partner, Sylvia, is also a valuable retail volunteer and their family time is mostly spent going for nice walks in and around nice places, indulging six grandchildren, and two great grandchildren, “with another one on the way,” he tells us.
Well, Allan, how will you possibly fill your days now?
HaHa! We know.
For everything you’ve done and continue to do for the hospice Allan, here’s a massive, THANK YOU!
Collections of LARGER items of good quality furniture can be arranged by calling the hospice van team on 0151 334 2558.
Please remember to keep your fire labels on furnishings.